2020 Contributed to: Camerlink, I. 2020. Pigs Welfare in Practice (Animal Welfare in Practice). 5m Publishing. (contributed sections 4.3.2 Management procedures, 4.6.3 Farrowing pain and co-contributed section 4.7.4 Lameness)
2019 van de Weerd, H, Ison, S. 2019. Providing Effective Environmental Enrichment to Pigs: How Far Have We Come? Animals 9 (5), 254.
Hall, S. A, Ison, S. H, Owles, C, Coe, J, Sandercock, D.A, Zanella, A. J. 2019. Development and validation of a multiplex fluorescent microsphere immunoassay assay for detection of porcine cytokines. MethodsX 6, 1218-1227.
2018 Ison, S. H, Bates, R.O, Ernst, C. W, Steibel, J. P, Siegford, J. M. 2018. Housing, ease of handling and minimising inter-pig aggression at mixing for nursery to finishing pigs as reported in a survey of North American pork producers. Applied animal behaviour science 205, 159-166.
Ison, S. H, Jarvis, S, Hall, S. A, Ashworth, C. J, Rutherford, K. M. D. 2018. Periparturient behavior and physiology: further insight into the farrowing process for primiparous and multiparous sows. Frontiers in veterinary science 5.
2017 Ison, S. H., Jarvis, S., Ashworth, C. J., Rutherford, K. M. D. 2017. The effect of post-farrowing ketoprofen on sow feed intake, nursing behaviour and piglet performance. Livestock Science 202, 115-123. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2017.06.001.
Turner, S.P., Nevison, I.M., Desire, S., Camerlink, I., Roehe, R., Ison, S.H., Farish, M., Jack, M.C., and D’Eath, R.B. 2017. Aggressive behaviour at regrouping is a poor predictor of chronic aggression in stable social groups. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 191, 98-106. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2017.02.002
2016 Ison, S. H., Clutton, R E., Di Giminiani, P., Rutherford, K. M. D. 2016. A review of pain assessment in pigs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 3:108. DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2016.00108
Ison, S. H., Jarvis, S., Rutherford, K. M. D. 2016. The identification of potential behavioural indicators of pain in periparturient sows. Research in Veterinary Science 109, 114-120. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rvsc.2016.10.002
Ison, S. H., Jarvis, S., Rutherford, K. M. D. 2016. A survey of sow management at farrowing in the UK. Animal Welfare 25, 309-317. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7120/09627286.25.3.309
2015 Ison, S. H., Wood, C.M., Baxter, E.M. 2015. Behaviour of pre-pubertal gilts and its relationship to farrowing behaviour in conventional farrowing crates and loose-housed pens. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 170, 26-33. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2015.06.004.
Baxter, E.M., Adeleye, O.O., Jack, M.C., Farish, M., Ison, S.H., Edwards, S.A. 2015. Achieving optimum performance in a loose-housed systems for sows: the effects of space and temperature. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 169, 9-16. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2015.05.004.
D’Eath, R. B., Niemi, J.K., Vosough Ahmadi, B., Rutherford, K.M.D., Ison, S.H., Turner, S.P., Anker, H.T., Jensen, T., Busch, M.E., Jensen, K.K., Lawrence, A.B., Sandøe, P. 2015. Why are most EU pigs tail docked? Economic and ethical analysis of four pig housing and management scenarios in the light of EU legislation and animal welfare outcomes. Animal 10, 687-699. doi:10.1017/S1751731115002098.
Martin, J.E., Ison, S.H., Baxter, E.M. 2015. The influence of neonatal environment on piglet play behaviour and post-weaning social and cognitive development. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 163, 69-79. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2014.11.022.
2014 Ison, S.H., Rutherford, K.M.D., 2014. Attitudes of farmers and veterinarians towards pain and the use of pain relief in pigs. The Veterinary Journal 202, 622–627. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2014.10.003.
Rutherford, K.M.D., Piastowska-Ciesielska, A., Donald, R.D., Robson, S.K., Ison, S.H., Jarvis, S., Brunton, P.J., Russell, J. A, Lawrence, A.B., 2014. Prenatal stress produces anxiety prone female offspring and impaired maternal behaviour in the domestic pig. Physiology and Behavaviour 129, 255–264. doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2014.02.052.
Ison, S.H., Donald, R.D, Jarvis, S., Robson, S.K., Lawrence, A.B., Rutherford, K.M.D., 2014. Behavioral and physiological responses of primiparous sows to mixing with older, unfamiliar sows. Journal of Animal Science 92(4), 1647–1655. doi:10.2527/jas.2013-6447.
2010 Matheson, S.M., Rooke, J. A., McIlvaney, K., Jack, M., Ison, S., Bünger, L., Dwyer, C.M., 2010. Development and validation of on-farm behavioural scoring systems to assess birth assistance and lamb vigour. Animal 5, 776–783. doi:10.1017/S1751731110002430
Ison, S.H., D’Eath, R.B., Robson, S.K., Baxter, E.M., Ormandy, E., Douglas, A.J., Russell, J. A., Lawrence, A.B., Jarvis, S., 2010. “Subordination style” in pigs? The response of pregnant sows to mixing stress affects their offspring’s behaviour and stress reactivity. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 124, 16–27. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2010.02.001.
2009 Rooke, J.A., Matheson, S., Ison, S., Jack, M., Ashworth, C.J., Dwyer, C.M., 2009. The effect of late pregnancy supplementation of ewes with vitamin E on lamb vigour. Animal 3, 1555. doi:10.1017/S1751731109990425.
D’Eath, R.B., Roehe, R., Turner, S.P., Ison, S.H., Farish, M., Jack, M.C., Lawrence, A. B., 2009. Genetics of animal temperament: aggressive behaviour at mixing is genetically associated with the response to handling in pigs. Animal 3, 1544. doi:10.1017/S1751731109990528.
D’Eath, R.B., Turner, S.P., Kurt, E., Evans, G., Thölking, L., Looft, H., Wimmers, K., Murani, E., Klont, R., Foury, A., Ison, S.H., Lawrence, A. B., Mormède, P., 2009. Pigs’ aggressive temperament affects pre-slaughter mixing aggression, stress and meat quality. Animal 4, 604. doi:10.1017/S1751731109991406.
Turner, S.P., Roehe, R., D’Eath, R.B., Ison, S.H., Farish, M., Jack, M.C., Lundeheim, N., Rydhmer, L., Lawrence, A. B., 2009. Genetic validation of postmixing skin injuries in pigs as an indicator of aggressiveness and the relationship with injuries under more stable social conditions. Journal of Animal Science 87, 3076–82. doi:10.2527/jas.2008-1558.